HOw can I get more information?

The most efficient way to get additional information is to contact Dr. Noles directly via email at He is happy to answer all your questions about his services and approach to counseling/therapy.

Does health insurance cover your services?  

The best answer is maybe; some counseling services may be covered by your insurance carrier, but Dr. Noles DOES NOT FILE CLAIMS WITH INSURANCE COMPANIES. Often tele-therapy sessions, even when conducted via a secure, HIPPA-compliant platform, are not covered. Presentations and evaluations are not covered.  

What forms of payment do you accept?  

Credit card payment using a highly secure HIPPA-compliant credit card processing company is the primary accepted method of payment. You can have a card on file with the processing company which makes payment easy and hassle-free.


Contact Dr. Noles by email ( to make an appointment.

How are phone calls and emails handled?  

There is no charge for phones of an emergency nature. (Dr. Noles is the sole determiner of what constitutes an emergency.) Routine phone calls, or those which do not involve an emergency, are billed at the rate of $15.00 per 10 minutes or portion of 10 minutes.  Email and text message ARE NOT SECURE methods of communicating and, therefore, these modalities should be used for administrative purposes only. There is no charge for routine or basic emails/text messages such as those involving scheduling, rescheduling, or canceling an appointment.

Are the meetings confidential?  

Counseling and therapy sessions are strictly confidential with the only exceptions being those mandated by the law.  HeadsUp Performance Consulting and Dr. Noles are in full compliance with HIPPA and other applicable State and Federal laws. Information obtained through presentations and workshops are strictly private and no identifying information will be used for any purpose without the client’s expressed consent.

Steven W. Noles, Psy.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist & Sports Psychologist