Tips 9-16 For Student Athletes Entering College

9.    Look at your sport’s schedule from this past year; take note of when they played.  This coming year will likely be very similar.  Use this information to plan your schedule.

10.    Your sport will take more time than you imagine.  The NCAA has a 20-hour limit.  College athletes laugh at the suggestion they only spend 20 hours per week with sport-related activities.

11.    Athletes prepare for competition in many different ways.  Assume those who prepare differently from how you prepare are just as serious about competing as you are.  Different is often just different, not better or worse.

12.    Be mindful of your need to eat well and sleep well. College sports are fun, but they are also an incredible grind and drain on your body.  
13.    Become aware of the resources (tutors, counseling center, career services) on campus which are available to you.  You may need them later.  Remember, colleges have these services available on campus because most students use them at one time or another.

14.    Develop time management skills if you do not already have them; you will need them.

15.    Your roommate does not have to become your best friend; getting along is a good outcome.

16.    If you have an issue with what your roommate is doing or not doing, address the problem sooner rather than later.  Do not assume it will get better over time; if it changes on its own, it will get worse.  Yes, it is the roommate’s room, but it is also your room, too. Compromise is key.

--- Dr. Noles is a sports psychologist and has been working with serious athletes, from high school through the professional ranks, for over 20 years.  He is a member of the Association for Applied Sports Psychology and the National Association for Sports Psychologists.  

Other Articles by Dr. Noles

Tips 1-8 for Student Athletes Entering College

Steven W. Noles, Psy.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist & Certified Sports Psychologist         804-337-0412